Looking for flexible office space in Stirling?
If so, come and check out the range of private office suites, co-working desks and meeting rooms at Blueprint Stirling during our Open Day on Tuesday 27 June 2023.
Experience the benefits of working from our high-quality shared workspace between 09.00 and 16.00 (or just a few hours, we’re completely flexible) absolutely free.
You’ll also be able to enjoy:
• Unlimited free tea and coffee
• Superfast WiFi
• Free parking (subject to availability)
Plus, we’ll be offering a free 5-day co-working trial to everyone who attends.
To manage our capacity, spaces will be limited so be sure to book your spot via the Eventbrite listing: https://www.eventbrite.co.uk/e/blueprint-stirling-open-day-tickets-642783090527
Want to know more about Blueprint Stirling? Click here or get in touch with our Centre Manager, Gillian Duncan by email gillian.duncan@blueprintworkspace.co.uk or by phone 01786 431 700.